Issue Position: Ensuring Fairness

Issue Position

We need to continue working towards a level playing field that gives every Oregonian a fair shot at prosperity. Too many workers are struggling to put food on the table, pay rent, and plan for the future. That's why we prioritized making Oregon a fair place to live.

I supported legislation that holds auto insurance companies accountable by making sure consumers can actually access the coverage they're paying for, and held the line on corporate wrongdoers by prohibiting them from keeping unclaimed money they owe to those they've harmed.

We made strides in making sure women don't get paid less than men for the same work, and expanded access to birth control by requiring insurance companies to cover a full year.

By banning so-called "conversion therapy", we put an end to a dangerous, discredited practice that attempts to change a child's sexual orientation.

Lastly, I supported the historic "Motor-Voter Law" that ensures every eligible voter in Oregon receives a ballot. While other states are working to limit voter access to this fundamental right, Oregon moved in the opposite direction by removing unnecessary and outdated barriers to voting.
